Feel healthy, relaxed and less focussed on your weight and appearance

How we work

we work...

It’s really simple: we’ll help you to control your weight, not the other way around.

With the support and expertise of an experienced nurse on your side, we’ll start by helping you to understand your body better. Next, we’ll take a holistic look at all the different ways to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. From mastering your diet and establishing healthy routines to medical options if that’s what you really need – we look at the bigger picture.

We’ll give you continuing support and aftercare too, to help see you to the successful end of whichever weight loss programme we help you with. Best of all, we don’t just work like this because it’s a safer, more responsible way of doing things; we do it because it has better results in the long term too.

Join the Feeltru today


We’ve worked with enough people to see first-hand how an individual’s relationship with food can be extremely complex, and closely linked to their emotional health and wider state of mind. From eating for comfort or a sense of reward through to binge eating, people have their own stories to tell. At FeelTru we understand this, and we offer you the option of working with our qualified mental health nurse who’ll support you through your own unique journey. They’ll explore things like your habits, motivations and willpower, providing a sensitive and supportive helping hand that works in perfect harmony with our practical and diet-based interventions.

Start your journey today
Holistic help

Medical weight loss

Certified partners with
the National Medical Weight
Loss Programme (NMWLP)
and personalised
A holistic approach
considering different
results you can
help section

we are…

FeelTru is brought to you by Sarah Deacon, founder of the renowned West Yorkshire business, Skin by Sarah. Her time in clinical and leadership roles within the medical profession has given Sarah the experience she needs to offer something very special; a supportive weight-loss consultancy offering safe, achievable and highly personalised programmes based on each client’s unique needs.

We love to do things properly here at FeelTru. That means giving every one of our clients the standard of care he or she has every right to expect. As well as a friendly and highly customised service, we’ll also give you exemplary levels of professionalism shaped by our commitment to best practice. For example, we’re certified partners with the National Medical Weight Loss Programme; a Royal College of Nursing accredited service which sometimes uses UK licensed and FDA approved medications to help with weight loss.

Request a free consultation

A true
weight loss consultancy

Our approach begins with a face-to-face or online consultancy with Sarah or one of the team of registered nurses. They will look at your physical health, vital stats and lifestyle, then consider them all in the context of your weight loss aspirations. Only then will we discuss and identify the most appropriate options for managing your appetite and keeping to any calorie-controlled diets you might already be on. It’s a carefully tailored service, and that’s why it can deliver the right results for you.

  1. Control
    your appetite

  2. Reduce
    portion sizes

  3. Release
    stored fat

  4. Lose

  5. Develop
    positive habits

  6. Curb your

love heart

Start your
Feeltru journey

A personalised approach to weight loss that helps you feel in control of your weight then click the link below to begin your journey and book your FREE consultation with us today.

For just £224 per month, thats only £7.23 a day | includes treatment, consultations, coaching and support

My weight comes before anything when it comes to my well-being. When I’m overweight nothing feels right, my clothes don’t fit and I get stuck in a cycle of comfort eating which makes me feel worse. Since following the FeelTru medical weight loss programme I have lost weight and feel so much more confident, I’ve started looking after myself, I’m wearing better clothes and my skin has even improved. For me a healthy body equals a healthy mind.

I always knew I over-ate and since starting the FeelTru medical weight loss programme I eat a lot less, my portion sizes are smaller and I still feel satisfied. I now feel much slimmer and I am back in my smaller clothes. I feel great, I have more energy and I have increased my fitness.

Request a

Please fill in the form with your details and a member of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible to arrange a consultation with you. To view our privacy policy CLICK HERE
